Monday, April 30, 2012


So, I know I haven't written in a long while. It's because a lot has been going on. This  is extremely personal but I am going to share anyway, because I really need some support right now.

Okay, back up 3 weeks.
Something bad happened... I woke up to pain "down there" with blood too. So for about a week I tried to put it in the back of my mind. But it was not really working. I then reached out to my therapist back home who was very concerned. I tried then to talk to my therapist here and she really upset me. I wouldn't go in to full details about what was sad because I just can't handle that right now. Anyways I then decided to call my rape crisis center, I got an apt with a counselor there and we chatted. We decided the next step was to go to the hospital might I say scariest thing ever. I went yesterday. No pregnancy. But something did happen for sure. Now it's the morning after the exam and my brain is going one hundred miles a hour and will not slow down. Pain is overwhelming me right now.

Ugg I just want all of this to be erased... please.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for going. I know this is all big and scary and horrible (and I mean that with sincerity not patronisingly).
    I haven't had things happen to me in this cirucumstance but I have had things happen.
    Take care and keep talking. xxx
